a place for brain garbage. personal bullshit / events / arts / feminist thoughts / etc

Thursday, October 21, 2010

let's make better mistakes tomorrow.

come support b4bc and peepshow! wednesday, october 27th @ 9pm in the alumni auditorium on champlain college campus there will be a premiere for the long awaited "let's make better mistakes tomorrow" peepshow film. i wouldn't have heard of any of this if it weren't for my good friend molly mcglew. molly is a graphic design student at champlain college, creator of this hawt peepshow premiere poster and the founder of vixxxen: a fashion and snowboarding blog. it's the new hot shit and you better check it out if you haven't already. and while you're at it, watch this teaser for let's make better mistakes tomorrow. the film is going to be amazing for sure. xoxo. maggie. 

and ps! $2 raffle tickets. board up for grabs. all proceeds go to b4bc.

in god we trust.

i just received this necklace in the mail that i ordered online via refinery29 boutiques. i can't say enough about this site. it allows you to browse some of your favourite high-end boutiques in the united states and purchase items all from one shopping cart. the orders are sent individually to each boutique and your items are shipped! this little treat, a "sweet nothings" pendant from in god we trust, is my new favourite necklace and i can assure you it won't be coming off for some time. in god we trust has more than just adorable customizable jewelry and accessories.. the rest of their jewelry collection is absolutely fantastic and if i had unlimited funds, all of it would be mine. xoxo. maggie. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


the bag game from garrettfitz on vimeo.

in honour of christopher columbus,
the residents of twelve handy court 
got together and discovered not the
new world, but a new drinking game. 
ladies and gentlemen, i give you: bags.

enjoooiiii. xoxo. maggie.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

joyas valadoras.

whether or not you appreciate a good read, this essay can resonate within any person that has any connection with their own emotions. i'm not a big science person so initially, i wasn't extremely intrigued by the title and opening of this essay. luckily, the scientific explanations were presented in laymens terms so it wasn't difficult to get through the fun facts and into the heart of the matter. brian doyle's piece on life, the existence of feelings that we project through the typical cliche of the heart, varying lifespans of the creatures of our earth, and the different heartwrenching situations that we will all inevitably experience at least once in our short and possibly insignificant lives hits hard with all readers- or at least everyone that's read it that i've spoken with so far. but enough of my opinion, read this and make your own. xoxo. maggie.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

we got bashed.

so, from what anyone can recall, the burton bash was a great time. wristbands and names on the list were the way to get in unless you were like some unnamed friends that we know of who used the crawling-on-hands-and-knees method to get in. either way, a good time was had by all.