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Friday, December 11, 2015

end of term

my first term in seattle is done! i feel as if i have 123892652384 more, but here's to chippin' away.



it's almost mid-december and i'm feeling excited and ready to close this year down and move on with my life. a lot of things got shaken up and stirred around in 2015 and the dust is juuusst about to settle. things i'm looking forward to in 2015:

- moving into my own space mere blocks away from school with scout.
- decorating to my preference and having everything the way i like it hehe
- getting scouts surgery and putting the incubation period behind us and moving on to recovery!
- being able to walk everywhere and stop using my car (hopefully almost entirely)
- getting stoned and listening to records - nothing new, but excited to do it in my new space #legalweed #bruh
- paying off all of my debt (except for those nasty student loans) and improving my credit score!!!!

what are you excited for? and what are you listening to?

here's a few songs i'm listening to most frequently these days. the new track from mass gothic is a solo project that i'm excited to hear more from. the animation to the single on youtube is my chad vangaalen too, which is super rad.

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